Raise Your Voice
Every group working to create change in the bar industry ultimately needs the same thing: you! There are millions of us who are involved in this business—if we learned to speak in unison, our numbers would assure that our issues could not be ignored.
This is a growing list of groups working to help on many different levels. Learn about them, donate if you can, sign up, and show up when it’s time!
T.H.I.R.S.T. Group
Holding Insurers Accountable
From the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, not a single insurance company has paid out a single insurance claim. Bars have paid billions in premiums, and their refusal to honor claims is the height of injustice.
THIRST is an industry-volunteer organization working to lobby governments across the country to change this.
Bar & Restaurant Revival Guide
Resources For The Industry
Created and maintained by the great Tobin Ellis of Bar Magic in Las Vegas, this is a comprehensive and continually-updated list of resources for hospitality workers and businesses.
The word “resource” doesn’t really do this list justice—if you’re anywhere near the bar business, this is a must-visit for you.
HEARD Cooperative
Showing The Power of Participatory Research
No one knows better how to address the issues in our business better than we do. Participatory Research harnesses the experience of people in the business to identify issues, think about solutions and—critically—take significant action.
Founded by Mark Schettler in New Orleans, this group has compiled an amazing list of actions that have been taken around the country, and is a model for how people can help themselves.
Black Bartenders Working for Change
A List Of Folx To Follow & Support
There are more issues to address in our industry than COVID-19. One of the biggest is creating space for people of color to thrive on an equal footing.
This is a great list of amazing bar professionals to follow & support. Check out their social media, join their many live streams & events, and find them out in the world for a cocktail when we’re able to get back on barstools where we belong.
Shift Change
Working To Eliminate Sexual Violence
Service professionals changing the way our industry values ourselves, our safety & well-being, and unique voices. Shift Change was founded on the principle that power-based violence and harm of any kind has no place in our industry.
Stop AAPI Hate
Standing Against Violence AAPI Against
No, it shouldn’t have to be said. But it does.
We stand with all of our bar family of Asian descent and origin. If we aren’t helping actively, we aren’t really helping. So learn how to help…